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Enping, alternately romanized as Yanping, is a county-level city in Guangdong province, China, administered as part of the prefecture-level city of Jiangmen. Enping administers an area of 1,698 km (656 sq mi) and had an estimated population of 483,907 in 2020. Its diaspora accounts for around 420,000 overseas Chinese, particularly in the Americas. The area around Enping is known for its。
【傑】字拼音为jié, 注音为ㄐㄧㄝˊ, 简体部首为亻, 繁体部首为人, 简体笔画为12画。 【傑】字五笔为WQAS, 五笔98版为WQGS, 仓颉码为ONQD。 【傑】字Unicode码为U+5091,位于Unicode编码中日韩统一表意文字【区】。 【傑】字属台湾《常用國字標準字體表》用字。 【傑】字简。
1959 (MCMLIX) was a common year starting on Thursday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1959th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 959th year of the 2nd millennium, the 59th year of the 20th century, and the 10th and last year of the 1950s decade. See more
说谎的味道 是出自《JOJO的奇妙冒险》第五部《黄金之风》的一个 梗。 出自漫画第47卷443话《布加拉提来了 其1》,动画第五部第1话。 布加拉提 为了调查 泪眼鲁卡 的死因而与 乔鲁诺 接触。 由于布加拉提自称拥有通过辨别汗的味道。
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